
Team your marketing generalists with our team of specialists.

For each client, we customize your specific marketing program, but here’s how the overall system works:

Step 1: Strategize

During our onboarding process, we use a collaborative process to clearly define your strategy.

Clarify company goals and conduct Persona Research

We’ll create an organizational clarity statement and establish qualitative and quantitative goals. To understand your customers, we’ll tap the insights of your management and sales team, and also conduct three one-on-one persona interviews with your ideal clients or prospects.

Use Keyword Research to map the customer journey

We conduct thorough keyword research and then map keywords to your client’s customer journey. Our keyword research tool will allow us to track published content so you can continue ongoing optimization efforts and ensure your library of content is always current and relevant to prospects.

Document a Strategic Content Marketing Plan and set an Editorial Calendar

Using the clarity statement, persona research and keyword research, we’ll document a content marketing plan and editorial calendar, which will detail how you’ll reach prospects through the customer journey. It will lay the groundwork for your upcoming year’s content marketing.

Establish your Metrics Strategy

We’ll establish the “critical few” metrics which will determine if our efforts are successful, then conduct a Google Analytics Site Audit and Setup, ensuring your GA account, Tag Manager, Search Console, and relevant social media and offline tracking methods are in place.

Step 2: Implement

Once our strategy is in place, we’ll follow the editorial calendar and team with you to create and distribute marketing content on an ongoing basis. Every month, we’ll follow the editorial calendar and create content for prospects and current customers, which includes:

Content Generation

We’ll create blog posts, checklists, webinars, infographics, and white papers by interviewing your team of experts and reaching out to influencers.

Search Engine Optimization

We’ll ensure the content we’ve created is optimized for SEO, as well as track keyword progress and confirm you’re meeting technical SEO standards.

Email Marketing

We’ll use ongoing eNewsletters and lead nurturing to stay in front of your current customers and cultivate prospects.

We’ll also distribute the content, using the following tactics:

Social Media

We coach you on a strategic social media approach that helps you promote your content and extend your influencer network.

Paid Advertising & Distribution

We’ll take a selective paid advertising approach and develop a niche-specific distribution program to deliver your content to the right people.

Step 3: Analyze

Once your marketing efforts are underway, we’ll analyze the data to ensure we’re reaching the “critical few” metrics that indicate success. That includes:

Ongoing monitoring of site performance and key metrics

We’ll monitor your KPIs and ensure your systems are functioning properly with regular form checks and SEO maintenance reviews.

Quarterly reviews for in-depth analysis

Instead of sending you templated metrics reports, we provide you with analysis on what’s working, as well as recommendations on what to do next.

Conversion rate optimization

We’ll use our serial testing methodology to provide CRO on key areas of your website.

Based on our findings, we can make adjustments to the approach, shifting more resources to what’s working, and pivoting away from what’s not.

Our true speciality: Small marketing departments

Most small marketing teams of 1-3 people are marketing generalists. They tend to understand digital marketing from an overall perspective, and may have some skills in specific areas like design, writing or analysis.

But digital marketing has become highly specialized in a number of areas, such as analytics, search engine optimization (SEO) and content generation. To keep pace, the most successful small marketing teams blend their internal generalists with a team of outsourced specialists.

Typically this is achieved with a patchwork group of freelancers, but for maximum impact, it works best if those specialists are part of a well-tuned system. That system is what Winbound has created.

Ok, so now you get the approach. Let’s schedule a 30-minute discovery call and discuss your challenges and how Winbound could be the solution.

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Madison, WI 53705


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